The Bangkokian

Greetings from Bangkok! My name is Pinn and this is my first post. I'm a crafter turned school teacher who lives in Bangkok, Thailand. I love to spin, sew, knit and draw whenever I have time. I think I love crafting so much because I'm always pleasantly surprised to see the stuff I can actually make using my own 2 hands. I also love to shop around for handmade goods by others as well as vintage items. I've been really lucky that there are plenty of good shops here in Thailand.
I'd love to say I know exactly what to write about, but the truth is, I've been sitting here writing and deleting half a dozen posts trying to capture the crazy, smog ridden frantic carousel pace of being in Bangkok and send it to you over the net. But, alas, I can not. My words and prose are just not up to the task. What I can do is tell you about the fabulous places I've hand picked from some of the best hand made shops and blogs in our city of angels. I hope they will illustrate better than I can the atmosphere of this mind boggling place. (Plus, if you take a shine to one of the items you can totally order it over the netz without having to leave the comfort of your own home :)
So grab a glass of Thai iced tea, possibly a plate of Pad Thai and enjoy!
An eclectic mix of cool new designs and jaw dropping vintage finds: andwhatelseisthere has everything you could hope for during a day out on the town.

Run by a circle of friends who expertise in various fields of design and tailoring, this shop offers hip design and excellent quality. Vivien and Ami who run their etsy shop also takes care of designing the clothes while their friends Jib and Isawan design and create uber cool leather bags and totes.
Edgy, cheeky, cool, hip, andwhatelseisthere is all these things. But let's face it, what I love most about this shop is it's unapologetic glamour.

This place lets you have a sneak peek in to the older days of Bangkok when women were mysterious and alluring and it was definitely OK to wear false lashes and striped catsuits. Over the top was the social norm.

Sadly these days Thai women more often choose cute and conservative rather than full on glam. But let's take heart that some designers still favour that seductive side.

These pieces will definitely play to that femme fatale in all of us.

(another thing I love about andwhatelseisthere is the photography. This picture captures perfectly the heat and dust of Bangkok, but is the model sweating? No. She's lovely and cool as a cucumber. Luv!)

This piece makes me want to dance all night in prints and high heels.

Gotta love the tailoring.

This bag is called "Hunk" And I definitely heart this one.

If you loved these designs then head on over to their etsy shop or check up on the latest updates and inspirations at their blog :

Another shop that shows Bangkok at it's best is Quote studio. This shop features cute and versatile bags and totes that come in shapes and materials that make you go "Huh?" (In a good way!) Plus, these babies are super versatile, most of the designs can be transformed in to several types of bags and totes. The designers behind this brand, Vicki and Jim run a small studio in Bangkok where they design and hand make their bgas from scratch!

My favorite design from them has got to be this neat little tote. It looks darling folded in half to hold a few key items and it can unfold to full length for more storage.

Another great one is the Crisscross bag.

You can carry it using the cute criss cross style handle like in the picture or you can use the canvas strap to carry it messenger bag style.

If you love quirky, you'll love these carseat bags.

Made from carseat material this little bag is so puffy and cute, how could one resist?

OK, I hope that two shops is enough to give you a taste of what it's like here. Both the dashingly new and the rare gems left over from the golden era. If you want you can come on over to visit me at my blog (I'll try to keep it more up to date from now on.) Till next time, take care!

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