Interactive elements at the Bishop Museum, Honolulu

In January I had the opportunity to visit the gorgeous Bishop Museum, where I gave a visitor experience workshop for the Hawai'i Museums Association.
I had a few minutes to walk through the re-installed Hawai'ian Hall, which is a stunning three-story space with the original woodwork. It's a challenging space for exhibits, as there is not much flexibility in how things can be configured. Due to low light, I wasn't able to take many photos. But here are two highlights.
This multi-panel mural by a local Native Hawai'ian artist depicts the origin myths about the Hawai'ian islands.
They included some nice low-tech interactives for kids on the second level, including this one bringing scent into the storyline.

I look forward to returning to Honolulu and the Bishop in September for the Western Museums Association's annual conference, in conjunction with the Hawai'i Museums, Association, the Pacific Islands Museum Association, and the Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums. Hope to see you there! Register by the end of April for only $225!
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